Sunday, 27 March 2011


In almost all countries,there is a dispute concerning women salaah.
In this topic there have been many conflicts among people as some ulama says that "IT IS NOT JAIZ?"
and some says that"IT IS JAIZ?". As i am following the Hanafi madhab,i have some proves which mention that it is NOT jaiz for a women to pray salaah in congregation.Here 4 sahih hadith on women:
(1)It is related by Abdullah bin Umar R.A narrates that the Messenger of Allah S.A.W said: "When your wives ask you for permission to go to the mosque, give it to them."
(Bukhari And Muslim)
Now according to this hadith,there have been many interpretation:
1. There is not a single verse in the Qur’an, which prohibits ladies from entering mosques. There is not a single authen­tic Hadith which I am aware of which states that the Prophet (pbuh) prevented or forbade women from going to mosques.
There is only one Hadith, which perhaps could have been misunderstood to mean that women should not go to the mosque. That Hadith is as follows:
Abdullah Bin Mas’ud reported the Prophet (pbuh) as saying: It is more excellent for a woman to pray in her house than in her courtyard, and more excellent for her to pray in her private chamber than in her house. [Sunan Abu Dawood Vol.1 Chapter 204 Hadith No.570]
If you base your conclusion only on this single Hadith, then you may wrongly conclude that it is not advisable or preferable for women to go to the mosque. However, your conclusion cannot be based only on one Hadith neglecting or ignoring all the other Ahadith. The context of the Hadith is also very important.
The Prophet (pbuh) said that if a person prays in the mosque he gets 27 times more blessings (Sawab). Some women argued that they had infants at home and other household work and therefore could not go to the mosque. Thus, the men would have a greater advantage than women for receiving such blessings. It is then that the Prophet (pbuh) said the above Hadith.
Hence, the conclusion is that in situations where women have infants and household work, which too is an important duty that cannot be neglected, women would not be deprived of the sawaab (blessings) if they pray in their own homes.
2. There are several Ahadith which prove that both men and women used to go to the mosques during the life of the prophet (pbuh):
(i) The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Do not prevent the female servants of Allah from going to the mosque of Allah.’ [Sahih Muslim Vol.1 Chapter 177 Hadith No.886]
(ii) And husbands were specifically told by him, “If the wife of any one of you asks permission (to go to the mosque) do not forbid her.” (Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book of Salaah, Chapter 80, Hadith No. 832)
(iii) From the time the Prophet (pbuh) entered Madinah, after Hijra, till his demise, he never prevented women from entering the mosque.
(iv) During the time of the Prophet (pbuh), women not only went to the mosques for prayer but also for religious education and liter­ary discussions as the mosque was the centre of community. Several Ahadith tell us that the Prophet (pbuh) addressed people in the mosque, and the audience consisted of both Muslim men and women. Women many a times asked questions to the Prophet (pbuh) in the mosque.
(v) During the Prophet’s (pbuh) time, mosques had separate entrances for ladies. Women filled the mosques from behind while men had sepa­rate entrances and filled the mosques from the front. In between the two sections were children.
(vi) It is reported by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (Pbuh) said: “The best rows for men are the first rows, and the worst ones are the last. The best rows for women are the last ones, and the worst ones for them are the first.” [Sahih Muslim Vol.1 Chapter 175 Hadith No.881)
3. Islam permits women to pray in mosques. Ladies should have separate and equal facilities. Islam does not permit the inter­mingling of sexes. Otherwise, there will be a similar scene in mosques like other places of worship where some people even come for ‘bird-watching’ and eve teasing
Lets admit that whatever DOCTOR HAVE SAID IS TRUE,but we should have more consideration that everyone have his own profession.You cannot go to a hairdresser and tell him to repair your bicycle.This is too foolish!!!!!!!!so who have a great honour?                                                                       An 'ALEEM OR A DOCTOR.
DOCTOR might learned deen but AN 'ALEEM IS AN 'ALEEM and He is not an 'Aleem.
Who is more closer to NABI-E-KAREEM S.A.W????????????
2.THE YEAR 2011(WE).
Of course the answer will be definitely the FIRST one .If they did not allowed women to go to the mosque so how can we be dared to do that?
we proceed to the second Hadith:
(542170) ~ Abdulah bin Umar R.A related to us that the
Messenger of Allah S.A.W said: "Do not stop your women from
going to the mosques, but it is better for them in their homes."
(Abu Dawood)
It is truth that NABI-E-KAREEM S.A.W FORBID US TO STOP OUR WOMEN FROM GOING TO THE MOSQUE,some people take this as an advantage.It is clearly mention that "BUT IT IS BETTER FOR THEM IN THEIR HOMES".
This is not an order of NABI-E-KAREEM S.A.W for women to go to masjid.There's some order that NABI S.A.W said but people nowadays don't practise......
Commentary: During the lifetime of the Prophet S.A.W, when he
personally led all the five daily services, many pious and
right-minded ladies wanted to be allowed to offer up at least the
two nightly prayers of Isha and Fajr behind him though the
Prophet S.A.W had repeatedly made it clear that it was better and more
meritorious for women to offer prayers at home. But some
did not permit their wives to go to the mosque. It was, however,
not due to any misgiving or fear of mischief as the moral and social
stands in the Muslim society were very high at that time but a sense
of pride which was wholly un-Islamic. Hence, the Prophet S.A.W felt
that if women asked for permission to go to the mosque in the
night it should be given to them but to the women, themselves, he
always advised that it was better to offer Prayer at home.BY:MAULANA MOHAMMAD MANZOOR NOMANI
We proceed to the third Hadith:
Narrated Umm-e-Humayd Sa'idiyah wife of Abu
Humayd Sa'idi that once she went to the Messenger of Allah S.A.W
and said: "I wish that I offered prayer (congregationally) with you in the mosque." "I know that you want very much to offer prayer with me (i.e. behind me in congregation),replied the Prophet S.A.W, but the principles of the Shari'ah is that the
prayer you offer in the inner part of your house is superior to the
prayer you offer in the outer verandah of it, and the prayer you
offer in the outer courtyard of your house is superior to the
prayer you offer in the mosque of your tribe (which is nearer to
your house), and the prayer you offer in the mosque of your
tribe is superior to the prayer you offer in my mosque."
(Kanzul 'Amaal with reference to Musnad-e-Ahmad)
This is another proof that it is better for our women to perform salaah in their veranda.
Commentary: From many other Traditions, too, it appears that the
Prophet S.A.W often explained the above position to women as regards
the offering 01. prayer in the mosque. Yet, many ladies ardently
desired that though it was better in the judgement of the Lord for
them to offer prayer at home, they might be allowed to go to the
mosque, atleast in the night, and offer it behind the Prophet S.A.W and
since the underlying sentiment was that of true religious devotion
to the Prophet S.A.W and there was no apprehension of mischief
during those days, the sacred Prophet S.A.W advised the Companions
R.A to allow their wives to go to the mosque at night if they wanted
to do so. Anyhow, this command was given at a time when there
was no fear of an unwanted thing taking place if the women went
out and it was disliked by some Companions only because of a
false sense of vanity or natural inclination. But as the state of the
society underwent a change and social and moral evils crept into it,
Book of Prayers 143
it no longer remained desirable'. What no less a person than
Sayyidah Ayshah (R.A), had to say about it is given in the next
 The last Hadith is:
It is related that Sayyidah Ayshah R.A said:
"Were the Messenger of Allah S.A.W to see the things women have
now acquired (in their conduct and deportment), he would have
forbidden them from going to the mosque in the same way as
the women of Bani Israel had been forbidden (to go to their
places of worship) during the days of the earlier Prophets."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
It is clearly written in the Hadith and it is related by our mother Aisha R.A,not an ordinary PERSON.
Commentary: This observation was made by Sayyidah Ayshah
R.A in her time (after the passing away of the holy Prophet
S.AW) and for this reason, according to Shah Waliullah R.A the Companions R.A, generally, had come to hold that women
should no longer be permitted to go to the mosque. With the rapid
transformation of social values in the succeeding generations and
in the context of our mournful moral degeneration it is now
absolutely out of the question.
posted by: waajid hussein Lallmohamed

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