Wednesday, 20 April 2011


The Story of Majnoon Loving the Dogs of
Layla's Street
Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) says, "Once
Majnoon saw the dog of Layla's street going
somewhere. He recognized it, started kissing its feet
and exhibiting his love for it. Some people saw this and said to
him, "O you mad one, what are you doing? Why do you show
love for such a dirty animal, full of impurities?" Majnoon
replied, "O you, who possess a mere outer form and body; O
you, who are deprived of the true taste of love, acquire
awareness of the condition of my heart and see it through my
eyes. This dog is the creation of my Lord. It is a guard over the
street of Layla. In my sight, the dust from the feet of this dog,
living in the street of Layla, is better than huge lions. The dog
living in the street of Layla in my view is so precious, that I am
not prepared to exchange even one hair of its body for many
lions. Many a lion has become a slave to the dogs of Layla's
street, since these secrets cannot be explained in words, I
remain silent and bid you salaam.
Ma’aarif- e -Mathnawi
O People, if you proceed beyond your worship of outer form
and develop contact with the Creator, who is the fountain-head
of all beauty,
Then in this world you will start enjoying the blessings of
paradise and you will see a rose-garden everywhere".
In his love for Layla, Majnoon found the dogs of Layla's
street worthy of love. How is it that the Lovers of Allah Ta’ala
go to Makkah Sharif and Madina Sharif, but have no love for
the inhabitants of these cities? When they return from Hajj, you
hear their complaints about the inhabitants of these cities. They
relate all the problems they experienced there. Regarding such
people, one has the fear that their Hajj was not accepted
In Madina Sharif, once a man bought some yogurt. He
said, "This yogurt is too sour. The yogurt in India is better than
this". That night he saw Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe
Wasallam) in a dream, and he commanded him, "O you
disrespectful one, O you who are deprived of love, leave this
city! You are not fit to live here" May Allah Ta’ala save us all
from showing disrespect and keep us safe from harm. Ameen
In a Hadith, we are told, “O people, love the Arabs.” It
is a great pity that these days we show no regard for this
injunction. My friends, if we intend to give them a word of
advice or something which is in their interest and welfare, it is
well and good, but it is something different if we in our
gatherings continuously backbite and slander them. We should
consider it our good fortune to be able to pray for their success
and welfare, with prayers from our hearts.
Similarly, this story teaches us to fulfill the rights of the
Ulama, the saintly ones and, especially, the one who is our
spiritual guide. Also the rights which their family members and
children have on us and the correct manners we should have
towards them. It also teaches us the proper respect and honor
we should show towards the Imams and the muezzins of
mosques, because these persons are the keepers and custodians
of the Lord's Houses. For this reason, we should love them and
consider service to them as a means towards acquiring the
pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. Just imagine, we fear troubling and
harassing the dog of the District Commissioner. In fact, this fear
is fear of the Commissioner himself. Similarly, whoever has any
kind of general or special contact with Allah Ta’ala should in a
similar manner be honored according to their degree of
connection with Him. However, those people who are deprived
of proper understanding, as Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah
Alaihe) says, do not understand these things:
"O Allah Ta’ala, we seek from You the ability to show correct
Adaab (manners)
Because the one devoid of Adaab is he who is deprived of Your
O Allah Ta’ala, grant us
the ability to show correct Adaab.AMEEN

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