Monday, 2 May 2011


Today everybody are running after this stupid DUNYA even Muslim. Once a couple gets a child hence the parents aim/target/ is that MY SON WILL BE DOCTOR,JUDGE,LAWYER,TEACHER but DID ANYONE DREAMS THAT HIS CHILD WILL BECOME HAFIZ/A'LEEM/MUFTI OR DA'II????????????????
How stupid are both parents and children!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHA.......and specially those well educated person.Yeah your child will become DOCTOR,JUDGE,LAWYER but only for 2 days.But HAFIZ/MAULANA/MUFTI will remain till the hereafter.How can it be possible that we are wasting lot of time only for 2 days food while our next life where we will stay forever is completely empty.Dear brothers and sisters our life is like a traveller. WHY CAN'T WE UNDERSTAND A SIMPLE PHRASE? That this earth is temporarily while the hereafter is permanent!!!!!!!!! Nabi Ibrahim Alaihis salaam prayed to Allah,"OH ALLAH GIVES ME SWALEHEEN" It is mention in the pure book QUR'AN.why can't Ibrahim Alaihis salaam said,"OH ALLAH GIVES ME EDUCATED SON"???????????????Hence,this have no value. IN MAURITIUS A MUFTI SAID THAT,"SECULAR LI ENE DESCEPTION TOTALE MAIS L'EDUCATION DEEN LI VITALE"

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