Friday, 6 May 2011

WHAT IS LOVE????????????

Nowadays youngsters are falling in live very rapidly!!Hence,shariah accept it but it should not have a communication.Or else it will become HARAAM.Love is an emotional feeling which affect INSAAN quickly. Perhape it is a trick of shaitaan.When a boy fall in love with a girl, he will do everything inorder to get the girl.When he finally get the girl,he'll be eager to meet her.On his meeting with her,the boy will feel like in space,feeling shy..........And finally the girl deceive him and now the boy want to suicide.Or he will look for tranquility.This is when the boy will eager to enter in goths or emos.However,both emo and gothic are HARAAM and it is not tranquility but DEATH.....LETS SEE SOME STORIES:

Once,there was a boy(good,who obey Allah and his messenger loved a girl very much.Firstly,they were both fall in love and restrain for 1 year.The boy was sincere with the girl.In his every du'a,he said to Allah: ''OH ALLAH MARRY ..........WITH ME''. but finally the girl married with other guy and the boy continued to make du'a for the girl health and he did not dare to think of suicide.He took sabr(patience).....HOW A SAD STORY.
Sometimes we may love someone very deeply but u may not be certain that u will be her husband.This is destiny,every muslim must believe in destiny.The boy was shattered but did not think of suicide.So all youngster's must follow him and contined pray for ur ex or whatever but don't dare to meet or talk to a namahram or else you'll be punish.
The Story of Majnoon Loving the Dogs of
Layla's Street
Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) says, "Once
Majnoon saw the dog of Layla's street going
somewhere. He recognized it, started kissing its feet
and exhibiting his love for it. Some people saw this and said to
him, "O you mad one, what are you doing? Why do you show
love for such a dirty animal, full of impurities?" Majnoon
replied, "O you, who possess a mere outer form and body; O
you, who are deprived of the true taste of love, acquire
awareness of the condition of my heart and see it through my
eyes. This dog is the creation of my Lord. It is a guard over the
street of Layla. In my sight, the dust from the feet of this dog,
living in the street of Layla, is better than huge lions. The dog
living in the street of Layla in my view is so precious, that I am
not prepared to exchange even one hair of its body for many
lions. Many a lion has become a slave to the dogs of Layla's
street, since these secrets cannot be explained in words, I
remain silent and bid you salaam.

O People, if you proceed beyond your worship of outer form
and develop contact with the Creator, who is the fountain-head
of all beauty,
Then in this world you will start enjoying the blessings of
paradise and you will see a rose-garden everywhere".
In his love for Layla, Majnoon found the dogs of Layla's
street worthy of love. How is it that the Lovers of Allah Ta’ala
go to Makkah Sharif and Madina Sharif, but have no love for
the inhabitants of these cities? When they return from Hajj, you
hear their complaints about the inhabitants of these cities. They
relate all the problems they experienced there. Regarding such
people, one has the fear that their Hajj was not accepted
In Madina Sharif, once a man bought some yogurt. He
said, "This yogurt is too sour. The yogurt in India is better than
this". That night he saw Rasulullah (Sallellaho Alaihe
Wasallam) in a dream, and he commanded him, "O you
disrespectful one, O you who are deprived of love, leave this
city! You are not fit to live here" May Allah Ta’ala save us all
from showing disrespect and keep us safe from harm. Ameen
In a Hadith, we are told, “O people, love the Arabs.” It
is a great pity that these days we show no regard for this
injunction. My friends, if we intend to give them a word of
advice or something which is in their interest and welfare, it is
well and good, but it is something different if we in our
gatherings continuously backbite and slander them. We should
consider it our good fortune to be able to pray for their success
and welfare, with prayers from our hearts.
Similarly, this story teaches us to fulfill the rights of the
Ulama, the saintly ones and, especially, the one who is our
spiritual guide. Also the rights which their family members and
children have on us and the correct manners we should have
towards them. It also teaches us the proper respect and honor
we should show towards the Imams and the muezzins of
mosques, because these persons are the keepers and custodians
of the Lord's Houses. For this reason, we should love them and
consider service to them as a means towards acquiring the
pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. Just imagine, we fear troubling and
harassing the dog of the District Commissioner. In fact, this fear
is fear of the Commissioner himself. Similarly, whoever has any
kind of general or special contact with Allah Ta’ala should in a
similar manner be honored according to their degree of
connection with Him. However, those people who are deprived
of proper understanding, as Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah
Alaihe) says, do not understand these things:
"O Allah Ta’ala, we seek from You the ability to show correct
Adaab (manners)
Because the one devoid of Adaab is he who is deprived of Your
O Allah Ta’ala, grant us the ability to show correct Adaab.
The Story of Layla and the Caliph of
nce the Caliph of Baghdad questioned Layla, "You are
so dark and ugly, yet, Majnoon is so madly in love with
you. You have no special beauty beyond other beautiful
women so why is this Majnoon so mad about you?" Lalyla
"O Caliph, if you also possessed the eyes of Majnoon, you too
would have become oblivious to both worlds.
“O Caliph, you are involved with your self-centeredness. His
love for me has made him (Majnoon) unconscious of himself
and this unconsciousness in the path of love is beneficial while
consciousness is harmful.”
(In other words, it is a sign of true love when a person is only
aware and conscious of the existence of a beloved, while being
unconscious and unaware of anyone else).
In this story, the following advises are found:
1. Hajee Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Rahmatullah Alaihe),
used to say:
"O Lord, make me unaware of all others
And let me remain conscious only of Your existence".
This does not mean that he prays to become negligent
and unmindful of relatives, wife, children and other
loved ones. But, what he means is that let my care over
them also be for Allah Ta’ala's sake, and not just being
good to them by way of recompense, or expecting
something in return. In this way, contact with Allah
Ta’ala's creation through the sincerity of intention
becomes contact with the Creator.
2. The second point of advice is that one should, through
the company of the saintly ones, endeavor to acquire a
sight of respect for the Sahabah, the friends of Allah
Ta’ala, the Kaaba, Madina Sharif, the Hajr-e-Aswad,
Safa, Marwa, Mina, Arafaat, Muzdalifah, all the
mosques of the world, and the servants of these
mosques. We should, through the saintly ones and their
company, acquire the correct perspective, which can
only be attained through their company. There is a big
difference between the sight of the eyes and the insight
of the heart. The sight of the eyes is subject to the heart's
perception. If the heart's perception is correct, the sight
of the eyes will also be correct. If the heart is ill, due to
Kufr, inequity, and the spiritual darkness that is created
through them, then the eyes, too, do not function
properly. In such a case, it will be concluded that due to
wrong inner perception one will become involved with
the wrong sight.
3. The third point is this that the ordinary man looks at the
friends of Allah Ta’ala with his imperfect empty life and
sight and thinks that they too are empty and deprived
of all good and happiness. Once a spiritually bankrupt
person told Hajee Imdadullah Muhaajir Makki
(Rahmatullah Alaihe): "I am surprised that Maulana
Muhammad Qasim Nanotwi (Rahmatullah Alaihe), the
founder of Darul Uloom Deoband and Maulana Ashraf
Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) became Mureeds of
yours.” Hajee Saheb replied: "Yes brother, I am also
surprised that these persons chose someone like myself,
to become Mureeds" Since, Hajee Imdadullah Saheb
(Rahmatullah Alaihe) had completely annihilated his
Nafs, he did not show any displeasure at this criticism.
May Allah Ta’ala make us all His sincere lovers. Ameen.
Khawaja Majzoob (Rahmatullah Alaihe) says:
"I found some complaining day and night
While others, I found in worries day and night
I did not find anyone happy under the skies,
Only Majzoob I found happy in this place of sorrow.
If they desire protection (Oh! Allah Ta’ala) from grief and
They should become Your mad lovers."
The Story of Majnoon Writing Layla's Name
on the Sand
Once Majnoon was sitting on the bank of a river
repeatedly writing the name of Layla on the sand. A
passerby saw him and asked:
"O Majnoon, what are you busy doing? To whom are you
writing this letter?"
Majnoon replied:
"When the parting from my Layla distresses me, I write her
name repeatedly
And in this way give consolation to a heart grieved by
Now Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) gives advice,
"O people, this is the effect of sensual love.
Can the true love for the Master be any less than that?"
In this story, there is an answer to those without inner
sight who criticize those who continuously and repeatedly
recite the name of Allah Ta’ala. They ask, "Why do these
devotees make so much Zikr and project so much love for Allah
Ta’ala? Why do they continue pouring out before Him their
complaints, sighs and lamentations? We have also studied so
many books. We also possess libraries. We also give lectures
and talks. Why is it that we do not acquire the same state as
them?" Then, after these questions, they explain their own
deprivation by saying: "These devotees do their Zikr, spiritual
vigils, their sighs and crying before Allah Ta’ala, to be seen by
men, to attract people towards them and to gain worldly
benefit." If only these unjust ones could observe these saintly
ones in the privacy of their inner rooms, engaged in prayer and
Zikr. Who is there to witness their prostrations? For whom are
these prostration's made in privacy, for whom do they wet their
places of prostration with their tears? Who is there to see them
sending their sighs and Ah's up to Allah Ta’ala, before whom
they complain of all their pains and distresses?
"Majzoob has cried over all the calamities of this world;
Now to shower Your Grace and Blessing upon him is left to
You, Oh! Allah Ta’ala".
These are the saints of Allah Ta’ala whose Ah's, their
Salaams and their messages continuously reach up to the
Throne of Allah Ta’ala and who have a strong connection with
Him. While, they remain silent here on earth their hearts
perpetually declare their love for Him.
"The saintly ones are silent
But their repetitive cries reach the Beloved
And reach up to His Throne.
To whom are they showing their blessed solitude,
So that they reap material benefit?
In fact their "Ah's" are hidden from the whole universe."
Now from this story, we turn to something else. If Layla,
who was a mere corpse, producing stinking urine and feces,
could make someone fall madly in love, then what about that
Being Who creates thousands of Laylas and then destroys them,
and Who is the fountain head of all beautiful forms and the
centre of all beauty? Can that Being with His perfect beauty and
love not make one mad in love with Him. He is the Holy and
Perfect Being. His mad ones are also holy. The Prophets and
Saints are His mad lovers who will continue to be His
successful and honored ones in both worlds. Allah Ta’ala grants
this bountiful present to His lovers.
In contrast, what does Layla's Majnoon get? Majnoon
gets worldly love which is something figurative - not true love.
Figurative means something which is not the true thing. As
such, one who is involved with figurative love will always be
deceived. The beauty, for which he is prepared to die, departs
when the object of that beauty dies. On the other hand, the one
who is involved with Divine Love, the object of his love is the
Being of Allah Ta’ala, Who is Everlasting and never perishes.
For this reason, his love remains forever and when the lover
passes away, he carries with himself the pleasure of the hope of
meeting his True Love.
"When either the lover or the beloved dies
Or through old age there is a lessening of beauty,
Figurative love fades.
While True Love remains as strong as ever".
After death, from the life of "Barzakh" (the grave) until the
gathering place of Qiyamat, and right up to paradise, the lovers
of Allah Ta’ala will continue to have His Name on their lips
From the story of Layla and Majnoon one should not
have the doubts about the permissibility of 'illicit' love which is
completely haraam. Illicit sensual love is the opposite of true
love and the meeting of two opposite entities is impossible.
Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) narrates the story of Layla
and Majnoon to give the lesson of love for Allah Ta’ala. This is
similar to teaching small children how to read Urdu by starting
to teach the letters of the Alphabet: 'Laam' is for 'Laddu' (a
sweetmeat). Everyone knows the aim is not to draw attention to
Laddu. It is only used to teach the letter Laam. Similarly, if one
teaches the letter 'Alif' is for Ullu (Owl) again, the aim is not to
draw attention to the owl but by taking into consideration the
temperament of children, it is a means of making them
remember the alphabets.
"The whole creation is children except the lovers of Allah
Ta’ala and the darling servants of Allah Ta’ala,
And for as long as one does not attain freedom from the jungle
of desires of the self, the body will remain immature".
In other words, even if the body becomes a hundred
years old it will remain immature as long as it is not freed from
the desires of the Nafs. Readers would have understood clearly
that Maulana's aim in telling the story of Layla and Majnoon is
taking into consideration our childlike nature, so that through
this we should learn the love of Allah Ta’ala. If Majnoon had to
dig up the grave of Layla and see her rotten and smelling
corpse, he would have considered his whole life wasted and
would surely have repented of his love. Maulana Ashraf Ali
Thanwi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) said that the deeds Majnoon
committed after becoming mad will not be taken into account
on the day of reckoning and there will no punishment.
But, he could be called to account for those actions which led
him to become mad, which could have been avoided i.e. "Why
did he give his life for worldly love?" Hazrat Maulana Ashraf
Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) says: "Figurative, sensual,
illicit love is a form of Allah Ta’ala's punishment." May Allah
Ta’ala protect us all. Once Maulana's nephew, Maulana Shabbir
Ali sent a handsome young beardless student to him on an
errand. Maulana was at that time busy writing in an upstairs
room in solitude. The young student came into Maulana's
room. As soon as Maulana saw him, he left the room and came
down to the ground floor. He did not find it suitable to stay
with the young boy in the privacy of the room for even one
minute. He said to Maulana Shabbir Ali, "Don't ever send a
beardless young boy to me in private". Maulana Thanwi
(Rahmatullah Alaihe) wanted to teach his Mureeds a lesson of
piety. In the path of Allah Ta’ala, privacy with a strange woman
and with a handsome beardless boy is as dangerous as deadly
poison. Those who desire to follow the path 'of Tasawwuf and
those who are seekers of Allah Ta’ala, should avoid these things
just as much as they would avoid a poisonous snake.
"If you are going to go after passing beauty,
It is a spotted snake which will bite you".
No other sins will harm the Saalik more than casting
evil glances and illicit love. Very strong darkness envelopes one
due to figurative love. In fact, a person's direction of Qiblah
changes through it. If we take the heart to be a compass and
take the needle to point towards Allah Ta’ala, at ninety degrees
west, other sins will cause the needle to move away two or four
degrees towards the north or south. By making Taubah, it will
quickly move back to ninety degrees. But, when the heart
becomes involved with Haraam love for women or young boys
and this love settles in the heart, the needle of the compass
moves one hundred and eighty degrees to the east and the
heart moves very far away from Allah Ta’ala.
May Allah Ta’ala protect Akhtar and his physical as
well as spiritual children as well as all Muslims of this world
from Haraam love and its punishment. Ameen. O Lord of the
Universe, through Your Mercy and through Your Nabi, the
Nabi of Mercy, accept it.
If a person happens to become plagued with bad desires
and involved in illicit love, one should speedily take refuge
with one of the Saints of Allah Ta’ala. These friends of Allah
Ta’ala have the perfect and effective treatment for this disease.
Thousands of Allah Ta’ala's servants have been healed of it.
Their prescriptions are most effective against this great
poisonous disease. Just as arsenic is deadly, similarly to act
upon the demands of the self is also deadly for our spiritual
and physical self to remove these poisons from the path of truth
is beneficial indeed.

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